How To Lose Belly Fat Fast Women

Everyone certainly wants a lean stomach without any fat hanging around. But not everyone can have it because sometimes there is always fat accumulated in the stomach. The presence of fat in the abdomen often makes us hot and makes it not because of it. The desire to wear a press body shirt, not channeled. Because of the fat in the stomach that makes me not confident. Finally forced to wear a large shirt and oversized to disguise the presence of fat in the stomach.

In addition to reducing self-confidence, the presence of fat deposits in the stomach turned out to be dangerous. Because in the stomach there are many important organs. With the accumulation of fat in the stomach can cause high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and much more. Instead of having to suffer from a disease that can be caused by accumulating fat in the stomach, let's immediately remove the fat deposits in the stomach. You don't have to go to a doctor to do liposuction. There are various kinds of easy ways that can be used as a way to remove fat in the stomach.

How to get rid of belly fat naturally and quickly.

1. Sit-ups and push-ups

Sit-ups and push-ups are other easy movements that you can do. But the condition is you have to diligently do it regularly so you can get maximum results. Do 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups. Add the intensity of exercise every day. This movement exercise will help to eliminate belly fat in a short time. Another advantage is that by doing sit-ups and push-ups in the morning, you can control your appetite because this movement can cause an easy effect on satiety.

2. Yoga

Yoga is a sport that focuses on strength, flexibility, and breathing. A study in India has found evidence that yoga is very helpful for removing excess gas in the stomach, which results in digestion and eliminating fat in the stomach.

Yoga trains and harmonizes so that the body and mind can be more relaxed which will spur the body to release hormones that can help the process of burning fat in the body effectively. Do yoga for 10-20 minutes every day so that the body can do the metabolic system to the fullest.

3. Cardio

Cardio is one type of exercise that involves almost all members of the body such as running, cycling, swimming, and others. By doing this cardio, you will be able to train the muscles in your body from calf muscles, thigh muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders.

4. Exercise regularly

You do not have to do heavy and torturous exercise. It turns out that there are many exercises to get rid of fat on the stomach that is not too draining.

Whether for men or women by doing sports movements is one of the proven ways to get rid of belly fat quickly and practically.

Shrink the distended stomach in the traditional way
You are too busy and do not have enough time to exercise or may feel tired after returning home from work. Don't worry, there are still other ways. You can try removing fat in the stomach by using traditional ingredients that have proven effective.

Indonesia is a country that is overgrown with various herbal plants. Our ancestors have used many of these medicinal plants for generations. Now it is even more practical and easy. Now herbs have also been sold in fast food packaging and are also widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

You better try to remove fat in the stomach by natural means. Because it is safer and has no side effects, it is also cheaper and cheaper.

5. Green tea

Green tea has long been known for its health benefits. Green tea is believed to be useful to be an effective way to get rid of belly fat.


Drink green tea regularly before you eat, to get the maximum benefit.
And also make sure you drink it bargain (without sugar).
By drinking it before meals, it will automatically make your stomach feel fuller. At meals, it will certainly reduce your meal portion.
Green tea can facilitate the body's metabolism, including fat metabolism, which will help to eliminate body fat. Besides green tea also contains many anti-oxidants that function to prevent cancer and reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the body

6. Lime Tea

Besides being able to use green tea, you can also use regular tea with a lime juice mixture.


Simply prepare a bag of tea or
You can also use 3 teaspoons and 1 lime.
A glass of hot water.
Brew the tea and mix the lime juice into it.
Eat regularly.

7. Honey and Ginger

Honey has long been known to have many properties to prevent and treat several diseases.It turns out honey can also be used as a way to remove fat in the stomach. In honey there is a substance that can burn body fat indirectly, namely fructose. While the use of ginger, is able to suppress appetite naturally, making you can reduce food intake easily because it does not feel too hungry.

How to make it is also quite easy:

Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of ginger juice into a glass, then boil with hot water.
Drink 2 times a day.

8. Diet

The next effective and effective way to get rid of belly fat is with a diet. Diet here is not a strict diet or by reducing the frequency of eating that you normally do or precisely which is usually 3 times to 2 times or 1 time. Diet here is to regulate diet: in terms of time, type of food, and number of servings of food.

The following steps below are the right diet to get rid of belly fat:

Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits
A study has found evidence that consuming 14 grams of fiber every day can reduce calorie intake by 10 percent and reduce 4 percent of fat in the stomach. Vegetables and fruits are low-fat foods with little calorie content and are rich in fiber. This high fiber content can help bind water so that digestion can work better to dissolve fat.
Limit consuming foods with high sugar levels
There are two types of sugar found in food, namely glucose and fructose. Fructose can only be metabolized in the liver at certain doses. If you eat food and drinks with high sugar levels will make your heart unable to metabolize all fructose and finally it will only turn it into fat that accumulates in the stomach.
Do not eat before bed
Eating before bed is one of the causes of fat accumulation in the stomach. Therefore, try not to eat right before you sleep. Processing a meal takes 2 hours. In the absence of activity before going to bed will cause the calories that are converted into fat instead of being energy.
