A pregnant woman is famous for having many restrictions. In addition, a pregnant woman is susceptible to an illness. This is caused by many changes in his body. These changes include hormonal changes, immunity, and metabolism. Metabolism plays a role in a person's body to produce energy. This energy is obtained from the foods we consume.
As a pregnant woman, she certainly wants to do the best for a growing fetus in her body. Lots of food that needs to be consumed for fetal nutrition. However, there are also many foods that must be avoided by pregnant women because it will affect the safety of the fetus.
Foods that should be avoided are cholesterol. Cholesterol in food will cause various effects on pregnant women. We can know the cholesterol characteristics of pregnant women such as neck pain, fatigue, and pain in the hands and feet. Here is a safe way to reduce cholesterol in pregnant women:
1. Avoid Fatty Foods
When someone is pregnant tends to get hungry easily. So, pregnant women will prefer snacks that can delay hunger. Time to eat this snack can be at any time. Of course when pregnant women feel hungry. This results in an inconsistent buildup of fat in the body. So that the body will store the excess fat. This will lead to high cholesterol levels in pregnant women and can lead to safety risks in the fetus. Fried and roasted foods have high cholesterol levels so they should be avoided. Also read about food to prevent high cholesterol.
2. Consumption of green vegetables
Green vegetables have many benefits for the body. Besides being high in iron and good for pregnant women. Green vegetables can also reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Green vegetables are good for pregnant women, such as spinach, katuk leaves and broccoli. Of course this good nutrition will also be obtained by the fetus.
3. Consumption of black tea
Black tea has the benefit of lowering cholesterol. Based on research, black tea can reduce cholesterol by 10% every week. Consuming black tea regularly will make our body healthy. However, don't consume too much of this black tea. Because tea is attracting fluid in our body. So, pregnant women who consume it too often will result in dehydration. Also read about the dangers of high LDL cholesterol.
4. Consumption of avocado
Avocados are good fats for the body. Pregnant women can replace unhealthy snacks with avocados. Avocados have a myriad of benefits for the body, such as on the skin, digestion, and reduce bad cholesterol. Avocados are also good for pregnant women. Vitamin B1 and B2 contained in avocados can reduce morning sickness symptoms in pregnant women in the early trimester.
5. Consumption of red wine
Red wine is famous for its folic acid content. Folic acid needed by pregnant women in their womb, especially in the early trimester. Folic acid can help the development process of the fetus. In addition, there is a good content of omega 3 and DHA for fetal nutrition. Red wine can also reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
6. Consumption of lime juice
Lime juice is rich in antioxidants. The flavonoids contained in lime juice can help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Antioxidants work to remove substances that are not needed in the body. Vitamin C found in lime juice is good for the process of fetal development. Therefore, consumption of lime juice is good in the early trimester of pregnancy.
7. Consumption of pomegranates
Pomegranates have high levels of folic acid. Folic acid is good for fetal brain development. Where fetal development begins in the early trimester of pregnancy. Pomegranates can also reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Antioxidants in pomegranates help remove bad cholesterol in the body. Also read about fruits for cholesterol disease.
8. Consumption of oatmeal
Many people switch from rice breakfast to oatmeal. Oatmeal consists of natural fiber which can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. This natural fiber content will provide enough energy for a long time. So that it can provide satiety effects that can make pregnant women reduce for consumption of other foods. Oatmeal which is rich in whole wheat is also good for the nutrition of pregnant women and helps to reduce excess weight gain in pregnant women.
9. Exercising
Pregnant women also need exercise to keep their body healthy. Not all sports can be done during pregnancy. There are several sports that are good for the health of pregnant women. Sports such as yoga, walking and swimming are good when pregnant. This will help to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, exercise can also increase immunity in the body. So, it is good for pregnant women to do light exercise once a week to avoid various diseases.
10. Avoid consuming junk food
Junk food is easy to get everyday. With today's technology, we can order food quickly and practically. However, not all of the food we buy is healthy. The danger of junk food has high cholesterol levels. Saturated fats found in junk food cannot be digested by the body so they tend to be stored in the body. Storage of excess cholesterol in the body can also cause various diseases in pregnant women. So, pregnant women must reduce consumption of junk food. Of course not only for pregnant women.
11. Consumption of water
Water is the easiest way to do it. By consuming water, our body will release substances that are not needed. Water can also facilitate blood flow in the body so that cholesterol will not accumulate in the blood. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also read the function of cholesterol on cell membranes.
Now that's how to safely reduce cholesterol in pregnant women. The buildup of cholesterol in the body will cause high risk for pregnant women. These high risks are for example high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension in pregnant women can result in fetal distress. This will complicate the birth process. So, it is worth noting for pregnant women to maintain their daily food to avoid bad cholesterol. Of course all want to get the best for our prospective children. Congratulations on living a healthy life for prospective mothers!
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