Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on The Baby

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on The Baby
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on The Baby
Pregnancy in adolescence is a serious problem that can affect a teenager's life. In addition to affecting mothers, pregnancy in adolescence can also affect babies born to mothers who are teenagers.

A health institution in the United States found that babies born to mothers who are teenagers can experience intellectual development delays, have lower learning abilities, and experience various health problems and behavioral disorders.

Health problems

Complications or health problems often occur in teenagers who are pregnant. This is because teenagers often do not seek medical help to treat their pregnancy. Some complications or health problems that can be found in teenage pregnancy are anemia, toxemia, high blood pressure, placenta previa, and premature birth. These various health problems not only endanger the mother but also the baby they conceive.

To prevent the emergence of various health problems, pregnant teenagers need to have a prenatal check up regularly and maintain good health.

Emotional Crisis

A pregnant teenager may experience an emotional crisis. This emotional crisis can cause the teenager to take careless and dangerous actions such as trying to abort a baby in the womb or even attempt suicide.

Worry about the future

Feelings of worry about the future must be experienced by teenagers who are pregnant. These teenagers may feel that they are not ready to become a mother and do not have enough knowledge to be a mother. In addition, he may also feel that having children can affect his life and his goals.

Disruption of Education

The education of a teenager may be disrupted if he is pregnant. Some teenagers even decided to quit school after learning that she was pregnant. Some other teenagers must postpone their desire to go to college because of the pregnancy. Some others may decide to get married and not continue their education.

Smoking and Drug Abuse

Teenagers who have the habit of smoking or abusing drugs can endanger the health of their babies if they do not immediately stop the habit.

Feeling Depression

Depression can occur when a teenager finds that she is pregnant. This is mainly due to various negative things that are felt due to the pregnancy, both from himself and from friends or family or other people around him. In addition, hormone levels that vary during pregnancy can also trigger depression.

Baby abandonment

When the baby is born, a teenager may or may not have the desire to care for the child. He may also feel disturbed by the presence of the baby which makes it difficult or unable to travel freely with friends his age.
